Welcome to my blog; used to post all alleged professional developments as a reflective tool and potential resource ... really, just another snake at the bottom of the MossPITT.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

great expectations ...

looking forward to the summer (break) to attack
that list of things put off that's been getting pretty fat
and reflect upon the closing year
assessing where i'm at;

we read a couple books, blogged a bit with my kids,
writing prompts, Apartheid and The Alchemist
tried to mix it up with Moodle, but disabled the chat
posted forums, pics and poems
archived wiki's on their past
big poppa e, slam poetry and ipods for books
senior project so our grads are gonna get a good look
without drama in my life
i might sleep some at night
but we're on youtube for you to scoop
and our shows were pretty tight
("ars longa, vita brevis" - Chaucer may have been right)
broke bread in Jackson with Moss Point pilgrims in MECA
PowerPointing to the promised land for Cisco inspectors
will try top it in Texas, during ISTE's NECC lectures
(and to avoid hungry vultures pecking at my liver
I'll finally activate my ActivBoard to more than a projector ...
and maybe lay a few orange eggs for expedient assessors)
in the meantime, its Sherry Levine-time at the Smithso-nian
will channel Schlechty and November for INTECH in New Or-le-ans

and then ... chill

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